Baby Reindeer star Richard Gadd’s ex-colleague claims he led ‘real Martha’ on ‘for laughs’

A former barworker from Camden’s Hawley Arms, where Richard Gadd reportedly encountered the woman known as the ‘real Martha’, Fiona Harvey, has alleged mistreatment and mockery directed at Harvey by pub staff.

Netflix’s acclaimed series, Baby Reindeer, purported to depict comedian Richard Gadd’s real-life experiences, detailing his alleged stalking ordeal by a woman named Martha, portrayed by Jessica Gunning. However, since its broadcast, the accuracy of the series has been fiercely disputed by the alleged real-life Martha, Fiona Harvey, who has threatened legal action for defamation.

In the series, stalking incidents, including numerous visits to his workplace (presumed to be the Hawley Arms in Camden), an excessive barrage of emails (many of a sexual nature), physical assaults, and threats to his family, were portrayed. Following the show’s surge in popularity, 58-year-old Scottish lawyer Fiona Harvey claimed to be the ‘real Martha’ and contested Richard’s narrative in a viral interview on Piers Morgan’s Uncensored.

Now, a former colleague of Richard’s, who asserts to have worked at the Camden pub during the same period in 2014, has revealed insights into what she describes as a ‘misogynistic culture’ among the staff, alleging that Harvey was subjected to ridicule.

The woman, now in her early 30s, expressed discomfort with Richard’s portrayal of the stalker, stating that it contradicts her experiences working at the pub.

She emphasised, “There was some underlying joke going on. I feel sorry for her. She was clearly vulnerable and clearly lonely. I think she was targeted as a joke between the male staff members and he led her on for the laughs.”

She continued, suggesting that Fiona was targeted due to her vulnerability and became the subject of ridicule among male staff members, contributing to a toxic environment in which inappropriate behaviour towards women was normalised.

Furthermore, she disputed a scene in the series depicting Richard (referred to as Donny Dunn) offering Martha a cup of tea, asserting that no tea was offered during that time at the pub.

Describing the prevalent uncomfortable atmosphere, she recounted, “There were always jokes about females and people targeting females, trying to sleep with certain people. That was the culture. I was subjected to it as well. It made me feel uncomfortable but you felt like you had to just put up with it in order to get your wages.”

Fiona Harvey, addressing the controversy surrounding Baby Reindeer, clarified in her interview with Piers that the public scrutiny following the series has been overwhelming. She emphasized that the show is “a work of fiction, hyperbole,” with only two factual elements—Richard Gadd’s identity and his employment as a barman. Additionally, she corrected the record regarding the encounter with Richard, clarifying that she was not offered tea but was present for a meal with a beverage of Lemonade, due to her diabetic condition.

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