Baby Reindeer’s real-life ‘Martha’ accused of targeting Keir Starmer by ‘bombarding him with almost 300 emails’

The ‘real-life Martha’ from Baby Reindeer reportedly bombarded Sir Keir Starmer with nearly 300 emails, according to recent revelations.

Fiona Harvey allegedly sent a total of 276 messages to Sir Keir over an eight-month period, including harsh attacks on him and his family, as per The Sun’s report.

The emails contained angry criticisms of the Labour leader, labelling him as a “stupid little boy” and describing his profession as a “useless barrister” with a “non job.”

These emails were sent to Sir Keir Starmer’s MP email address, and the Metropolitan Police have been made aware of the messages, which were sent between January and August 2020.

In one email, she used a derogatory term against Sir Keir Starmer’s wife, commenting on her appearance. Another message threatened to make Sir Keir’s life “not worth living.”

One email from April 9, 2020, stated: “Keir cut the crap with me you stupid little boy. You get elected leader of. Non-party and within two minutes I get an email calling me a racist from the housing ombudsman. I’ve already complained about you to the standards commissioner who, guess what, also does nothing. See from now on I’ll complain about the slightest little thing. Your life won’t be worth living.”

In a 1,420-word email on April 8, 2020, copied to others, Harvey criticised Labour’s shadow cabinet and called them “imbeciles yes men.” On the day Sir Keir became Labour leader, April 4, 2020, she sarcastically congratulated him on his “fourth of fifth non job” and accused him of being a “freeloader on the public purse.”

Labour declined to comment on the matter.

In Baby Reindeer, Richard Gadd’s character Donny Dunn is stalked by Martha after serving her a free cup of tea in the pub where he works.

In an interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored, Harvey expressed her intention to sue Netflix and Gadd over what she deemed a “defamatory” portrayal.

Referencing a scene where Martha receives a nine-month prison sentence, she vehemently denied the depiction, labelling it as “completely untrue” and “career-damaging.”

At a select committee hearing, producer Alex King defended the show, stating it aimed to tell Richard’s story truthfully. He also mentioned that they were closely monitoring the situation but refrained from commenting further on specific circumstances surrounding the show’s production.

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