Baby Reindeer ‘stalker’ Martha’s Shocking emails to Sir Keir Starmer revealed as she vows to sue Netflix for £11million

The Sun has unveiled more explosive emails sent by Fiona Harvey, the ‘real-life’ stalker behind the Netflix series Baby Reindeer, to Sir Keir Starmer. Harvey, 58, has also announced plans to sue Netflix for £11 million.

The publication reveals that Harvey bombarded the Labour leader with chilling emails over an eight-month period. Additionally, Harvey has been officially reported to the police for her harassment of Sir Keir.

The Sun’s TV expert Jess Lester stated, “These emails are obviously damning.”

Harvey’s onslaught of emails to Sir Keir took place between January and August 2020, following her alleged stalking of comedian Richard Gadd. In one email, she insulted Sir Keir’s wife as “ugly” and made a derogatory comment about his late mother. In another, she referred to Sir Keir as a “nefarious little creep.”

Due to their explicit nature, The Sun is unable to publish large portions of the 276-email dossier. The emails are characterised by Harvey’s trademark style, riddled with punctuation and spelling errors, few full stops, and a line space between each sentence. Each email is signed off with: “Sent from my iPhone.”

Crime Editor Mike Sullivan commented, “These messages are menacing and contain rude references to his wife and about his family.”

One particularly disturbing email, seen by The Sun, read: “Keir cut the crap with me you stupid little boy. You get elected leader of. Non party and within two minutes I get an email calling me a racist from the housing ombudsman. I’ve already complained about you to the standards commissioner who guess what also does nothing.”

Harvey even gloated over the deaths of two of Sir Keir’s relatives and used a disabled slur to abuse his wife, Victoria.

These sickening messages were reported to the police in November 2021. The case was referred to the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC), a joint unit of the Met Police and the NHS that deals with individuals fixated on politicians and royals.

A source explained, “There was no suggestion of any physical danger, but it was felt the police should be made aware of the large volume of emails so the individual could receive help.”

Although it is unclear if any action was taken following Harvey’s referral, psychiatric evaluations were conducted. The Met stated that the harassment case remains “under review” by specialist officers.

Stalking expert and former Met officer Hamish Brown noted that the specialist unit ensures a person is not a risk to themselves or others.

Fiona Harvey, from Fyvie, Aberdeenshire, now claims she is suing Netflix for £11 million. The Sun’s Jess Lester observed, “We’ve seen the kind of emails and voice messages Richard Gadd was getting from Fiona, and the tone, and how chilling and cold and aggressive they can be. Seeing the emails to Keir, it makes perfect sense that this was the kind of messages he would be receiving.”

Lester continued, “The real-life Martha, Fiona came out last week and said it [Baby Reindeer] wasn’t true. What we’re seeing here is more evidence against her building. She’s saying she wants to sue Netflix; unfortunately, perhaps this is backfiring. There’s more evidence to suggest that she did do what Richard Gadd and Netflix have portrayed her of having done.” Lester also accused Harvey of “cashing in” by threatening to sue Netflix, adding, “She’s jumping on the bandwagon now she knows she has people on her side.”

In an interview with Piers Morgan this month, Harvey admitted to having four phones and six email addresses but denied ever hounding Mr. Gadd, the show’s creator. Netflix has emphasized that all messages were identical to texts and emails received by Mr. Gadd, maintaining their true-to-life depiction.

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