MAFS Australia groom Collins has answered the questions we’ve all been wondering about him

Throughout his journey on MAFS Australia 2024, Collins definitely made an unforgettable impression, leaving viewers with a plethora of burning questions about his persona, including whether he’s secretly a robot or if he’s genuinely an actor. But fear not, as Collins has taken to TikTok to address these inquiries head-on, providing candid responses to some of the most Googled queries about him from the show.

In his TikTok video, Collins delved into answering these pressing questions, expressing his hope that they were posed in a “kind and loving” manner. However, he soon discovered that the inquiries weren’t exactly gentle.

First up: Is Collins from MAFS an actor? Dispelling rumours, he vehemently denied being an actor, clarifying that while he had appeared in a few advertisements, he wasn’t pursuing acting as a career.

Then came the eyebrow-raising query: Is Collins from MAFS a psychopath? Taken aback by the question, he adamantly refuted the notion, exclaiming, “Oh my god. I’m not a psychopath. No, I’m not a psychopath what?!”

Moving on to the next question: Is Collins from MAFS a virgin? With a mix of disbelief and amusement, he responded with a resounding “No!” and a gesture involving both middle fingers, asserting his prowess in that department.

Continuing the series of inquiries, Collins tackled the accusation of being a narcissist. While acknowledging the perception, he denied embodying that trait, stating, “I don’t think I’m a narcissist.”

Addressing speculation about being a paid actor, Collins once again denied the claim, humorously adding that if he were, critics would likely comment on his performance.

Lastly, when asked if he’s okay, Collins replied with a straightforward “No,” indicating the challenging nature of dealing with such public scrutiny.

For those hungry for more MAFS Australia 2024 updates and gossip, Collins directed viewers to follow The Holy Church of MAFS on Facebook, hinting at more revelations to come.

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